In December 2024, a new Olympia ice resurfacing machine was ordered.
This was done with the knowledge that delivery of such a machine takes eight months to more than a year. MOCA is initiating a fundraising campaign to help pay for the new machine. Please click here to donate. Any contributions over $20 qualify for a tax deductible receipt.
The funding plan is indicated below:
Olympia Model – Millennium H
Parks Foundation Calgary – Amateur Sport Grant: $75,000 in place
Southridge Lions Club: $20,000 in place
AGLC Charitable Gaming Funds: $25,000 in place
Fund Raising Campaign Goal: $50,000
Millican Ogden Community Association
Since 1956, Millican-Ogden Community Association has been working to serve and support our great community. Our purpose is to enhance neighbourhood life in Millican-Ogden by providing services and programs that support and enhance community life and foster a sense of community pride and spirit through meaningful participation. We are your community.
Our community centre boasts several rentable spaces for your activity, wedding or meeting. Recently renovated and beautifully designed.
See what our Ogden has to offer! We have great outdoor amenities, playgrounds and facilities such as Jack Setters Arena and ongoing events to be involved in.
Our volunteer board of directors is working to advocate for and improve our community where it counts. See our Capital Projects and plans for the future.
Moca Motion Newsletter
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